feel more joy

Feel like you've lost your spark?

The Joy Project is about recognising and doing the things that feel good.

I believe that joy is the first step to magnetism, the first step to your unlimited potential.

Joy helps us to reconnect with who we are and what we want, it helps us to connect with our true selves. When we are lacking joy, we often feel disconnected from what we desire.

Joy, provides us with information about what we want, what we don’t want, and where we might like to go next.

What would happen if you chose joy every day?

Join The Joy Project for a playful way to get clarity around and take action on the things that bring you joy. This will help you to find joy now, in what's around you, in the small things.

Creative Invitations

To support you on your journey back to joy I have created a series of creative invitations for you. You can access these over on my blog.