About Me

Hello and welcome to the magickal world of ROM POM POM!

This is me, Romilly Gibbs.
intentional art-maker / musician
/ mama / colour-lover/ art witch/
creator of ROM POM POM

I use my creativity as a tool for joy, self-knowledge and magnetism.

My love of intentional art-making began with the desire to reignite my inner spark, and bridge the gap between my spiritual journey and my deep love for creative expression.  

What I discovered along this journey has deepened my connection to the Universe and led me to the revelation that with every brushstroke, every colour choice, every mark that I make I am casting creative spells. 

My mission is to be a high vibrational loving presence in the world, consciously creating my reality, and inspiring others to do the same.

My creations carry the energy of what I channel while I create… most often joy, love, high vibes, higher consciousness, possibility and yes energy.

Recognize your radiance, express your uniqueness and become a conscious creator.

Let me inspire and encourage you to find a deep connection to self, your intuition and your inner power.  Whether that’s through expressing yourself through my exuberant earrings, hanging my powerful high vibe art on your walls, or casting your own art spells.

Your next steps…

Check out my exuberant earrings

Cast your own creative spell

Follow me on Instagram

With love,

Romilly xx